The Frosted Pine Poem
The poem is a clear message and oracle that there is something in our past that is blocking full forward movement, and guides the reader inward, to discover the shadow holding keys to our current freedom.
The Frosted Pine is a portal in itself.
For when the keys are unlocked, reality switches in the blink of an eye.
This art was created from a photograph of the needles of a pine tree encased in ice, from a sudden freeze. A crystal effect was added throughout, creating a "dotted" effect in the final print. The mirrored geometry contains symbolism all it's own, and a stylized print pattern was added for a space-ship like effect.
The Frosted Pine Poem
Frozen in the blinking eye,
Remains the silent past,
For what can be of letters,
On the sea-swept beach's shore,
For as the night went missing,
On the stairs cast downward still,
The fellowship remains,
Yet there the prison is no more.
With angels softly weeping,
On the harp strings played in time,
Their tears become the water,
Of the rivers long and vast,
Yet frozen is the water,
From what happened at the shore,
The one who finds this message,
Surely look into your past.
-Pamela Storch