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Pamela Storch On Double Bass Poem

Pamela Storch On Double Bass Poem

Poetry companion to Pamela Storch on Double Bass Art 

Pamela Storch on Double Bass is the self portrait of Pamela Storch on Double Bass after a symphony orchestra rehearsal. 
Pamela Storch is a composer, concert pianist, double bassist, artist, poet and spiritual consultant. She has played more instruments than can be named, including cello, chimes, mallets, cymbals, french horn, and more. 
She currently has 10 music albums on iTunes. 
Dear Double Bass, 
You are so low, 
I can feel your vibrations, 
You are the soul, 
Of all generations, 
And when I play you, 
Arm and bow, 
You are the king, 
Of being low, 
Dear double bass, 
You're a dark violin, 
Your sonorous heartbeat beats deep from within, 
And when your soul and mine embrace, 
I love you deeply, double bass. 
-Poem by Pamela Storch written in high school 

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