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Great Blue Heron Roaming Free Poem

A poem titled "Great Blue Heron Roaming Free" is displayed over a faint background image of a blue heron standing in water. The poem emphasizes patience and wisdom, drawing parallels between the heron's behavior and life's virtues.

Great Blue Heron Roaming Free

Great blue heron roaming free,
In wetlands free and clear,
Awaiting on a wooden box,
For flight-winds to appear,

Awaiting the right moment,
With its wings to soar away,
For herons do not fly with haste,
With patience do they stay,

A symbol of the wisest luck,
Good judgment, wings of grace,
A fisherman successful,
And divinity in place,

A message not to rush ahead,
Or make decisions fast,
Have patience like the heron,
Keep your focus wide and vast.

-Pamela Storch

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