The Flower of Light Shield

The Flower of Light Shield
Flower shield of raging light,
Awaken cells within,
Geometries and fractals glow,
As portals start to spin,
Shield the viewer from despair,
And guide the journey home,
As synchronies expand the mind,
Beyond the crystal dome,
Light house steer the ships away,
No trouble cometh near,
And dance between do diamonds,
As the symphonies appear,
Seal the gateways inside out,
Illuminate the breeze,
Decoded are the fractal lights,
Inside geometries,
And there you find the secret shield,
The flower shield aglow,
And bloom will darkness nevermore,
Beyond the platinum show,
For dreams do come and dreams do go,
Beyond the one who dreams,
Awake do diamonds glisten,
As the light pours down in streams,
Alive will seekers feel again,
Beyond the iron night,
The veil will soon enough collapse,
Exploding with the light.
-Pamela Storch