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Metamorphosis Of The Butterfly

Artwork Title:

Metamorphosis Of The Butterfly

Artist: Pamela Storch

Metamorphosis Of The Butterfly

Metamorphosis of the Butterfly is frequency art holding the vibration of transition. Grounded in an ever changing reality, the now of all that exists, does the light take hold and prepare for inner flight. Awake into your true potential within all that is you, here and now. The shift is happening, preparing you for ever increasing speeds of infinity. Made with love from the higher dimensions of consciousness. When the butterfly appears, your angels are near. For you are in fact that angel, transitioning on earth into the remembering of all you truly are. Unite with yourself and all that is yourself, for there you will find the key to everlasting bliss and wisdom. 

This art is a vibrational match and companion to the tracks "Platinum Ray" and Eight of Lions" from the album "Platinum Ray" by Pamela Storch on iTunes and Spotify.

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