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Lime Energy Generator

Artwork Title:

Lime Energy Generator

Artist: Pamela Storch

Lime Energy Generator

This frequency art was created from a beautiful lime.  Limes contain electrolytes from which batteries can be made.  They also assist with hydration and the production and utilization of energy within the human body.  Their enzymes help digestion and flush out toxins. 
On an energetic level, limes assist with creating an energy flow within the meridians of the body.  They form a circuit, healing, integrating and flushing out what is no longer needed from life.   
This frequency art contains the energy of lime and the energetic circuit they provide.  If you feel into the art, you may experience the flow, often perceived as a spinning within the art and within your body.   
This energy circuit may also be experienced within the environment where the art is placed, allowing for greater flow, generation of creativity, and a clearing out of denser energies.   
This art may also be a wonderful addition for anyone feeling stuck, or having repetitive or obsessive thoughts.  Often times, our thoughts loop repeatedly when we are "stuck in our heads" and the energy cannot "ground" to form the electric circuit which frees and releases our thoughts, allowing them to clear. 

Sometimes those with intense emotions (think of waves) or who physically have water retention within the body, may benefit from forming this circuit, which allows for the release of the water. 
Please note that frequency art is not a substitute for medical or psychological care.  Please use responsibly.  It is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease or condition.  Please see a certified healthcare professional for any issue you may be having.

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