Great Blue Heron Roaming Free

A heron stands on the edge of a wooden structure, gazing at the water, with vibrant green and blue reflections creating a mesmerizing pattern on the surface. The bird's feathers are detailed and appear almost life-like against the rippling background.
Great Blue Heron Roaming Free
Great blue heron roaming free,
In wetlands free and clear,
Awaiting on a wooden box,
For flight-winds to appear,
Awaiting the right moment,
With its wings to soar away,
For herons do not fly with haste,
With patience do they stay,
A symbol of the wisest luck,
Good judgment, wings of grace,
A fisherman successful,
And divinity in place,
A message not to rush ahead,
Or make decisions fast,
Have patience like the heron,
Keep your focus wide and vast.
-Pamela Storch