Fluffy White Towel From The Dimly Lit Hotel Bathroom

Fluffy White Towel from the Dimly Lit Hotel Bathroom is the latest addition to the "tacky hotel" art series.
I made this art in attempt to comfort myself from the otherwise bizarre hotel experience and leaking shower, in gratitude for the bath mat provided today.
Yet somehow, when photographing the intricacies of the fluffy white towel fibers in detail, their subtle color does not seem to comfort me.
Yet embracing this art as a form of creative expression seems to lessen the isolation of my experience and provide a symbol of humor for all of life's glory.
I originally imagined this art to be a white blanket of comfort for anyone going through difficult experiences, that they could hang on their wall as a reminder of nurturing and softness.
Yet somehow it didn't work out this way. At all. Instead, it somehow radiates out dimly lit bathroom energy in unifying geometric patterns.
So this art is for anyone in need of dimly lit bathroom energy of questionable cleanliness. Though it is not white at all, or particularly "fluffy" it is sure to make any bathroom dim and slightly creepy.
Much love from my "interesting" hotel in Jerusalem.
-Pamela Storch