Boats on the Pond at Twilight

Boats on the Pond at Twilight depicts the magical light of Central Park as the sun sets at the end of the day.
The light dancing on the water of the pond seeks to show the wisdom of the darkness. Almost as if begging us to see there is magic even in the darkest of times and places, and light within the deepest depths if only we remember to look.
Search the depths with stillness, and quiet the mind, and even in the darkness you shall see the most beautiful love. The whispers of divinity shall call you home, not some other far away place, but here, now, in the stillness of love and the truest peace which always lies within. Nature teaches the ways of the magical. For worlds within worlds exist within the trees although move they do not, and strive does not exist. Though grounded are their roots, their energy is vast, a bridge and conduit between the earth and sky, messengers of wisdom for those quiet enough to hear of their teachings.
You are never alone, dear ones. We are with you always. Be still and watch the dancing light on the ripples of the water. And serenity shall be restored and peace is upon you. You are loved.